To Proxy a URL
If you want to access a restricted URL from off-campus, you have to be routed through the proxy server. In most cases, you can log on to the proxy server using the box on either the Gateway or HealthLinks and then navigate through the web pages to find out what you want. However, there's something about the ERes authentication that kicks users out of "proxy land". The only way they can access resources that are UW IP restricted is to use a URL that is constructed so that it routes through the proxy server. To do this I usually use one of the ' proxy this' boxes. There is an intermediate screen that tells you the new URL. I right click and save the shortcut. Then the intermediate screen forwards you to the web site. I use that to make sure that I entered the right URL. The resulting URL has "" stuck in the middle of it. The trick is that if you use it to proxy a URL that doesn't need to be proxied, the resulting URL won't get you anywhere. (An email from Mary Van Court - Nov 26 2007)
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Last modified: 11/27/2007 1:58 PM |